Closet Clutter | Too Much Stuff | Too Little Space

Highland Park Closet Organized

Highland Park Closet Organized

When is a closet not a closet?  When it becomes a catch-all cluttered with things that do not have another home.

One Highland Park, IL closet held:

  •  Bowling ball and shoes
  •  Wedding china that was never unpacked
  •  A Ravinia picnic basket and umbrella

What was not in the closet was the clothing that should have been stored and organized inside had there been any room.  Instead, shirts, pants, shoes, and accessories cluttered the bedroom, masking any semblance of  order or calm.  In fact, they hid the armchair so well that we weren’t even aware that there was a piece of furniture under the mess.

Spring Clean to Organize Your Closet

Our client realized a “spring cleaning” was in order when she found herself buying multiples of items she knew she owned but couldn’t find, and it became an effort just to get ready each day.

The MOREganized team proposed a closet makeover. We began by listening to her describe her organizational challenges and goals. A “visual processor”, she wanted to be able to see her clothes rather than place them in drawers and boxes.  She wanted to have her pick of outfits instead of dressing from the top of disorganized piles.

The next step in organizing her closet involved sorting its contents.  One of us helped her review what she had while the other arranged them by category and action.  We threw away or recycled items that could no longer be used and donated the ones that didn’t fit.  We made a separate pile for the clothing that needed to be repaired or cleaned.  And we moved anything that didn’t have to be in the bedroom closet to more appropriate storage spaces, organized and labeled for easy retrieval.

Surveying what was left, we organized the closet by color, season, and occasion.  We tied bright ribbons around hangers to indicate which pieces worked together.  We stored shoes in clear plastic boxes for easy identification.  And we displayed her jewelry on pretty serving trays and boxes re-purposed from the kitchen and dining room.

Along the way, we coached simple organizational principles to keep the clutter from creeping back.

Moving from cluttered to well-ordered, the bedroom closet now holds just the items our client needs to get dressed and out of the house each day.

And the arm chair?  Ready for relaxing when she comes back home.

Read more about how MOREganize can organize and declutter your closets. Or to get started now, please call 847-767-6673, or contact us.

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